Website with Jekyll
This website is genereted using Jekyll. The Step-By-Step-How-Two is great but I missed some information which I documented here.
At first install Ruby. On Arch-Linux:
sudo pacman -S ruby
The following command will install Jekyll in your user directory (~/.gem/ruby/).
gem install --user-install jekyll bundler
You probably want to add the ruby bin folder to your search path by adding following line to your “run commands” file of choice. (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, …).
export PATH=$PATH:~/.gem/ruby/2.5.0/bin
Adapt the version of ruby accordingly to your installed version.
Create a new Website
Now you are ready to start working on your website. I would suggest to instruct Jekyll to create a dummy website for you with:
jekyll new <path_to_project_folder>
This has the advantage that jekyll will create a base directory structure and most importand create some config files for you.
Unfortunately this call fails on my system, because Jekyll tries to install some additional ruby gems and complains about missing super user rights. I decided to install it in the user directory and not on the system level. Therefore I installed the missing gems by hand:
gem install minima jekyll-feed
The following command builds the webiste under <path_to_project_folder>/_site:
cd <path_to_project_folder>
jekyll build
Jekyll has an build in webserver which can be started with:
cd <path_to_project_folder>
jekyll serve
The website can be accessed via http://localhost:4000. If one of the source files in <path_to_project_folder> changes, then the webserver immediately updates the website in <path_to_project_folder>/_site:
Writing and Configuring a Website
A good step by step tutorial to write a website is provided on the Jekyll Website. The next sections cover some additional topics not described in the step by step tutorial.
Front Matter
Allways inlude a Front Matter even if you don’t have to declare anything. Otherwise the Liquid statements in the documents will not be evaluated.
Syntax Highlighting
In Markdown you can highlight code by fence it with three back-ticks.
int main(int argc, char **argv);
export HELLO="Hello world!";
echo $HELLO;
The default highlighter of Jekyll is Rouge which is compatible with Pygments. Rouge enrich the code with additional HTML tags and corresponding CSS classes. Rouge is can be installed either with
sudo pacman -S ruby-rouge
or with
gem install rouge
Pygmentize can be used to generate according CSS definitions.
sudo pacman -S pygmentize
Use Pygmantize to create a style which is called “vim”:
pygmentize -S vim -f html > syntax.css
Alternatively you can download the css files.
Automatic Deployment using Git
The idea is, that a git push to a remote automaticly deploys the website to the http server. Git hooks allows to execute custom skripts on events. I use the post-receive hook which is executed after a push to the remote. Therefore i create a non-bare git repository on the webserver.
cd /path/to/local/repository/
git init
To prevent inconsistencies, it is not allowed to push commits to a non-bare repository by default. A git push only updates the git index and not the checked out files. Since I don’t intent to develop within this repository, the checked out files shall be automatically synced with updated index.
To allow pushing to this non-bare remote, follwing lines have to be added to /path/to/local/repository/.git/config:
denyCurrentBranch = ignore
The post-receive hook is created by creating the the a script-file /path/to/local/repository/.git/hooks/post-receive and make it executable.
touch /path/to/local/repository/.git/hooks/post-receive
chmod u+x /path/to/local/repository/.git/hooks/post-receive
My hook skript has following content:
unset GIT_DIR
export PATH=$PATH:~/.gem/ruby/2.5.0/bin
git -C ${LOCAL} reset --hard
jekyll build -s ${LOCAL} -d ${DEPLOY_DIR}
Git sets the environment valriable GIT_DIR before executeing hooks. This leads to a strange behavior of git, which i don’t understand and couldn’t fix. Thereforefore i unset it first. The checked out files will by synced with git reset --hard. After that jekyll is called to update the website in /path/to/deploy/direcoty/. Since jekyll is installed in the user directory, it is necessary to update the search path with export …